With our team of approximately 60 professionals, we advocate for those who need housing and strive to provide Palm Beach County residents with affordable housing options, self-sufficiency programs, and leadership opportunities. We serve more than 8,703 persons throughout Palm Beach County. PBCHA is funded primarily by federal sources from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
We commit to providing quality living environments through new and existing housing developments that meet high standards for urban design, building technology, and energy conservation. All agency programs are administered with an emphasis on efficiency, effectiveness, and equity. The Palm Beach County Housing Authority (PBCHA) was created under Chapter 421 of the Florida Statute, and first opened its doors on June 10, 1969, to provide affordable housing solutions to low-income families through rental assistance programs: housing choice voucher and public housing. The agency was formed as a special district of the State of Florida and plays an integral role in affordable supportive housing initiatives countywide.
We are one of six housing authorities that assist residents in need of housing stability and other self-sufficiency programs. Each housing agency manages different federal, state, and local programs, as well as different components of overlapping programs. Please reach out to each housing agency that may be able to assist you, in addition to our programs at PBCHA.
The Palm Beach County Housing Authority’s headquarters, at 3333 Forest Hill Boulevard in West Palm Beach, are centrally located to allow PBHCA to best serve the community.
Joining us in this space are the Children’s Home Society of Florida – Palm Beach County and Families First of Palm Beach County, two organizations that, like us, serve our community. The Children’s Home Society builds bridges to success for children. The organization envisions a world where children realize their full potential. Families First of Palm Beach County empowers families of all histories and challenges to grow strong in every way, with the vision that strong, empowered families create healthy, resilient homes and communities for generations to come.
PBCHA History

Our leaders provide day-to-day oversight for programs, budget, expenditures, and other operations.
Board of Commissioners
PBCHA has five volunteer commissioners appointed by the governor of the State of Florida. Members of the PBCHA Board of Commissioners strive to ensure the Housing Authority operates with integrity, including the well-being of its residents and properties.
Florida Statute 421.05 states that “a commissioner shall hold office until a successor has been appointed and has qualified.” Interested in being a part of our Board? State of Florida Appointments Office.
Our Board meetings are open to the public. The meeting dates and times are available.

Paul Dumars, Chair, is a fully qualified finance professional who leads and provides financial strategies conducive to the growth of corporations. He is the Interim President and CEO of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation in Washington, DC., and serves as its CFO/COO. Mr. Dumars is a member of the Board of the Homeless Coalition of Palm Beach County and strives to raise awareness of the urgency to resolve homelessness through advocacy, education and community outreach.

Phyllis Choy, Vice Chair, is a native New Englander who brings her background in education and human resources to her more than 30 years of experience in the real estate profession. She advocates for private property rights, legislative issues and affordable workforce housing. She is currently a director with the Florida Realtors Association, serving on the Public Policy and multiple other committees at the state and national levels.

Digna Mejia, Commissioner, joined the PBCHA Board in 2016. She is at Florida Atlantic University and was previously at Palm Beach State College, Boston University, and the University of Massachusetts. In her dual role at FAU and Amazon, operational excellence is key, managing complex problem-solving and delivering customer satisfaction across diverse regions. Adept in risk reporting and high-level relationship management, her efforts contribute to her team’s success. She is a member of The Forum Club of the Palm Beaches and has been a board member in organizations such as the BU Women’s Guild. She is an alum of the University of Massachusetts, Boston University, and successfully completed management courses at Harvard University.
At the heart of her work with PBCHA, is policy establishment and compliance oversight that are central to upholding the organization’s integrity and championing the well-being of residents. With a NAHRO Commissioners Certification, her focus is on maintaining the highest standards of governance and financial stewardship. She is a member of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO) and Public Housing Authorities Director Association (PHADA).
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Executive Director

Carol Jones-Gilbert was appointed the Executive Director/ CEO of the Palm Beach County Housing Authority (PBCHA) on December 8, 2018. Prior to joining the PBCHA, she spent twelve years working for the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority (RRHA) working her way from Property Manager to Chief Operating Officer. During her extensive career in the housing industry, Carol has also held positions with the Dallas Housing Authority, Franciscan Ministries along with various positions in education, homeless, disability and senior service organizations. She has a wealth of knowledge regarding HUD programs and proven experience in identifying and assessing needs; working effectively, economically, and compassionately; and helping housing authorities achieve their mission and goals.
Carol is a proud graduate of Texas A&M University with a B.A in Speech Communications. She is a mother of one son, and joined the “grandparents club” in December 2021 after the birth of her granddaughter. She is now the proud grandmother of 3 grandchildren.
Professional Affiliations
- Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
- National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO)
- Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA)
- Southeastern Regional Council (SERC NAHRO)
- Florida Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (FAHRO)
- Housing and Development Law Institute (HDLI)
- The Institute for Public Procurement (NGIP)