West Palm Beach, FL 33406

Board of Commissioners Meeting
May 27 @ 8:00 am - 10:00 am

The Board of Commissioners meets on the fourth Monday of each month. Please submit a request to speak or public comment in advance of the meeting.
Option for Viewing and Participating in a Live Meeting:
Board Commission meetings, workshops, and hearings are made available through Zoom technology.
If a meeting is in progress, you can join the meeting now. You will not appear on camera, but you will be called upon to speak if you raise your hand on the Zoom platform or request time to speak within the chat box.
You also have the option to dial in to a scheduled meeting. Please use any of the following phone numbers to dial in to a meeting (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
Meeting ID: 891 0140 0755
Passcode: 647430
To virtually raise hand and be acknowledged to speak:
- Users who call in can dial *9 to raise their hand
- If going through mobile (phone\tablet) app, to raise hand select “Participants”, then see option to raise hand.
- On the computer users should click “Participants” then see option to raise hand
- Once you have been selected to speak, you will be prompted to unmute your device or stay muted.
- The last four digits of your phone number will be called. You then be instructed to state your name and address for the record.